Moonbase Umbra
Moonbase Umbra is an old school RTS game. The intention of this project was learning all the odds and ends of game development as a solo project. Everything in this project was done from scratch by me, as a learning exercise. However, the music is the only exception as I did not make it. A combination of Blender and Maya was used for the modeling animation, and rigging.
Creating an RTS interface that allows a clicking dragging and selection of multiple or single units
Modeling an environment and units for the player to place with.
Animating and creating a rig for modeled and textured characters
Creating a dynamic Nav Mesh that allows placed buildings and units to adjust the Nav Mesh, so the Unit AI understand how to properly path find their way through the level with the fastest possible route.
Creating a proper UI that displays selected units, a Main Menu that functions, and working settings menu.
Properly connected skeletons and rigs allow the units to switch from a running animate, then switching to and idle animation while waiting for orders.
Creating a dynamic camera of the player that allows zoom in and zoom out controls
Dynamic Nav Mesh Example:
As seen in the picture above the nav mesh moves around the building whether it is player placed or not.